Thursday, 14 November 2013

Technology and World Change (Session 12)

Technology and World Change

Session 12

Presentation Week

Group 1: Mind-controlled prosthetics (own)

Group 2: Transhumanism

The group gave a very detailed account of history of the different kinds of prosthetics being used today to track the evolutionary changes that have taken place so I found it to be very interesting. Also, in their website, they mentioned some of the specific prosthetics that are now available in the market such as the brain pacemaker that helps patients with neurological conditions to maintain neural equilibrium. There are cochlear implants as well where helps people hear better, at least 80% better than compared to using hearing aids. The bionic eye was also introduced in their website where it enables patients with total vision loss to see forms and perception with light by detecting dark and light to identify the location of objects. These are just some of the many products the group has introduced in their website. Furthermore, I like how they would also give a brief description of how the products actually work.

Under the “future implications” tab, they explored 4 main areas which are social, economical, geopolitical and environmental implications. One of the social implications of prosthetics would enable to empower individuals who are challenged in some physical condition. Prosthetics can help them to be on par with peers who do not possess such disabilities. The group then addressed the issue about prosthetics being more advanced than the original, biological form itself. Unfortunately, I feel that there are already prosthetics that are more powerful than the original form. As having done our own research on mind-controlled prosthetics, there are some products that can exert a force of 250 pounds of force per hand, which is deadly. Other advanced prosthetics also allow people to run faster, walk less effortlessly, more accurate. The production of such prosthetics is only a few years away. I believe that there will be many social concerns with regard to this but all we can do is to find certain solutions that will keep these things in check.

Another implication they further discussed was about the geopolitical concerns that surround the future use of transhumans. Because of the many advantages of using the transhumanist technology, may lead to faster economic growth, or countries trying to out-compete with one another to improve on their transhumanist technology (especially for military use and global dominance).

Group 3: Food: Our Future

I was especially drawn into the group’s presentation because of their short skit at the beginning of their presentation which I thought was brilliant. As for their website, I looked particularly at their “alternatives” to alleviating world hunger. The group identified food distribution and food supply as 2 main factors of world hunger. Mainly arguing for the point that as important as the production of food is, so is the way in which these produce are actually distributed across the world. Furthermore, they also pondered upon the possibility that there might not even be sufficient food produced in the first place. Either ways, the 2 reasons still lead to world hunger.

Under “Food Distribution”, they further expanded to talking about what constitutes to a poor distribution of food such as “Food Wastage” as well as “Accessibility”. According to their research, 30%-50% of food produced never really end up being consumed. Even though there has been measures put in place to prolong the shelf life of such food, measures to decrease food wastage (as leftovers) are nearly non-existent. The group introduced a smart phone application called “LeftoverSwap” where people can trade or simply give away their leftovers to people in the nearby area but this further raises the question of hygiene or the social stigma. I wished the group had delved more into why there is so much food wastage. Is there a particular correlation to the development of a society and the amount of food wastage? What more can be done about this?

Under the same tab, they identified some of the problems of accessibility in developing nations. Because rural areas are not well connected to the cities, they might not have the required transportation services to acquire the food that they need. One possible solution thought of by the group is that with the advent of technology, mobile markets can be used to eradicate this problem. Would have been better if the group could give certain examples of a mobile market!

Under “Food Supply” the group focused on “Meat Production” and “Urban Farming”. I will only look at the portion of urban farming. With more and more people moving to urban areas, the potential of urban farming is only set to grow. This basically means utilizing unused spaces in cities to grow vegetation. This could lead to a self-sustaining city and at the same time, minimize the effect the carbon emissions. It’s a win-win situation!

Group 4: Advertising and Sexuality

I am only going to focus on the future considerations for this presentation because I felt that it was really an interesting part of their whole thought process. The group thought of the idea of 3D sex ads. As far-fetched some of us think this is, it is unfortunately before the groups “predictions” would actually be realized. Sexual ads might become more “real” for some, allowing some to feel that they may be more persuasive (at the same time more provocative) and this might create an entirely new market for sexually driven ads. Also, the advent of augmented reality only means that the future of advertising would be more pronounced and convenient. Like trying on clothes, or shopping for furniture would be made so much more convenient because you can look at it on yourself or in your home without having to actually purchase the project. They also looked at facial recognition. Customized advertisements seem ridiculous and almost absurd, what exactly would it take for advertisers to cater to the different needs and wants of consumers and then create an advertisement out of that. But the group has identified that with facial recognition, advertisers are able to achieve that. For example, differentiating male from female, and based on the difference in gender, show or display the relevant ads. Or even achieving a location-based mobile that will shows ads of products or goods available within the vicinity.

The group identified 2 main ethical concerns with regard to sex ads. Mainly that with these ads becoming even more realistic, they may eventually entice viewers to extremes and ultimately, people might even find it difficult to clearly define reality from the virtual world that they are unable to suffice their desires. This may lead to social problems such as increased cases of molestations, rapes or other related activities. Another issue was that these ads might be used to manipulate people. The group said that this could lead to greater disparity between the haves and the have-nots such that people who can, do and those who can’t, don’t. In other words, people who can’t afford the products are unable to satisfy their desires and this might lead to a worsening of the rich poor divide. I may not entirely understand their second point, because, isn’t that the main aim of all advertisements? To entice you to believe that their product is something you should possess, regardless of whether you can afford it? Furthermore, aren’t all ads already doing this? I don’t think a car ad showing you the latest model of their line of cars means everyone can afford it, but this does not mean that the rich poor divide will certainly worsen because of that.

Group 5: Virtual Reality

I have to say that their video was really well done, it was so real!! Amazing!

With their future references of augmented reality using the google glasses, they mentioned about how could be used for education and in the medical industry. Their points were quite similar to how the Leap Motion controller could be applied in these industries as well. So I shall not spend too much time mentioning about it again. But the group did bring up 2 new areas to explore, mainly Construction & Home Maintenance and Law Enforcement. In the former, google glass may enable anyhow to realign pipes just by knowing how to read blueprints. You might just be able to receive instructions from an expert through the glasses and fix the pipe on your own just by looking through the google glass. Or in Law Enforcement, it might help in identifying criminals using google’s facial recognition software. The glasses may have the ability to scan license plates instantly, or monitor vital signals and remotely control other devices.

The group also elaborated on the positives and negatives of social implications how virtual reality might have. For starters, with virtual reality, it might bring about increased convenience, or allowing the needy to better integrate into society and it might even save lives. Greater convenience here refers to being able to travel to foreign places and eliminating the language barrier. As for the second point, it is just like how the Leap Motion controller could help autistic children better integrate into society. And saving lives here meant that more training applications could be simulated to be more life like and this can prep those undergoing training to deal with more realistic situations. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages that come along with it as well. It can never replace reality, so when it comes to training even though situations can be simulated to be more life like, it will not be able to predict other kinds of situation. There are some form of ethical concerns as well such as Escapism or violent content, all of which lead to social problems in society like addiction or increased cases of violence. And, of course, reduced social interactions between people due to the lack of face to face communication.

The group also went on to talk about the positives and negatives about economic impacts for virtual reality. Such as increased productivity and efficiency, lower cost in the long run as well as increased global transaction. Such as training relevant personnel in a certain industry by using a simulator and als, the possibility that global transactions might increase as the virtual worlds allow people to meet at real time. But there might be a socio economic divide because a high cost is incurred to purchase the infrastructure for such a technology to be set in place such that countries who have more are able to afford them and for those who do not have such power to do so, lose out in the end. Furthermore, there might be loss of employment since many of these jobs can be displaced using the relevant technology.

All in all, I really enjoyed the past 2 session because it was really interesting to hear from all of the groups and to see all of their masterpieces! Was really fun! 

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