Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Technology and World Change (End)

Technology and World Change

Session 13 

As Geoffrey Chaucer puts it, “All good things must come to an end”. In a twinkling of an eye, we have come to the end of our Technology and World Change. I remembered on the very first day of lesson, Prof asked us all to define the meaning of technology. I recall saying that technology infiltrates all aspects of our lives, and it helps us to perform many of daily tasks. To clearly define it, it is the method of doing things. Of course, technology is more than that; it encompasses much more than just “the method of doing things”. It has helped to shape how we develop and advance in this world. Throughout the course, we were on a search for answers to Yali’s question. “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” Hopefully, the following pointers that I have picked up over the course of this module, I would have managed to answer at least part of it.

Society, Global Dominance and Human Development

How do we ensure that the societies built are dominant leaders in their respective field? We learnt in TWC about the mindset of a rising star or a falling star. The kinds of characteristics that go with the different mindsets and the attitudes that helps to differentiate one from the other. I have learnt that in some instances, these societies may be at different stages of development such that it can either hinder or improve the process of development. Do these societies encourage Innovation? In which we have already clearly defined in class as the ability to think ahead of what we already possess, to make it even better and develop something, such that it is for the better good. It is also with the quality that separates the leader from the follower. How can we someone lead if they are not going to take any chances and make a difference?

Human development too makes an impactful difference. Development here refers to the change in status quo, no doubt development can either be positive or negative (even though development is often linked to positive improvement with negative consequences lying on the side line). The world is changing because development itself drives the change. We have different processes of development, cultural development, economic development, sustainable development and many more. In this case then, how do we development such areas? For me, I think the roles of education is imperative in helping societies, especially developing nations. Because, with education, comes a bulk of human resources that are more learned and knowledgeable, you have a workforce whose skills (in terms of the ability to learn, think and perform) are transferable. Of course it isn’t the only way to hasten development, but it sure is one option.

Drivers of World Change

My understanding of drivers of world change basically refers to some of the factors that have so heavily impacted us that we would change our way of life. In our lessons, we have discussed several drivers of world change such as environmental driver, scientific discovery and technology innovation, commercial or business innovation, competition, globalization. For example, with globalization comes about changing expectations because of an increased purchasing power and also because of new and merging markets, the opening of new ones, and elimination of barriers to the movement of human, intellectual and financial capital. Or even environmental change such as global warming, pollution or contamination has drastically hastened and widened the renewable and sustainable energy market such that more and more opportunities for greener products are more apparent today than ever.

ICT and World Change

Having personally done the individual presentation on ICT and World Change, with my focus being on ICT in education itself, I have come to a realization that ICT is something that requires greater attention today than ever before. When we talk about ICT, it is more than just using technology as a tool, but it is going to be a medium through which students can better cater to their own learning needs. This further builds up an arsenal for learning.

But its not just with education, ICT has been implemented all throughout all systems such that there is increased connectivity, productivity and better access to information. Of course, this also presents with it a whole other basket of problems that comes along with using technology into systems. Invasion of privacy, overdependence are just the tip of the icebergs. What about those countries that seem to lack access to technology at all? Poor Internet connection seems to be disadvantageous that has brought much inequality between the developed and developing societies.

Energy and World Change

A hot topic nowadays, renewable and sustainable energy is getting only more important in the coming period. With different possible avenues where energy can be garnered, instead of the conventional, air/land/sea-polluting use of fossil fuels which are depleting at an exponential rate. We turn to the possibility of using wind, thermal, solar, nuclear fission so on and so forth. We also talked about the case study of Germany who implemented the Energiewende Program where the decided to eliminate the use of nuclear energy and fossil fuels to turning to the use of the solar panels to harvest energy.

How are we supposed to integrate these great ideas into our daily lives? Despite its giant potential in using solar panels, why is it that we have not maximized it? Places like Singapore where it is geographically advantaged in terms of receiving maximum sunlight, it is still not being largely encouraged or used in the first place. Even though there are baby steps being taken to try this out, I am not quite sure if that is enough. Several reasons such as high start-up costs, high costs of maintenance, or simply that it is still currently quite pricey. Hopefully, with the advances and improvements made with technology, these problems can be solved soon.

My Thoughts

Even though I may not have the exact answers to Yali’s questions, I do hope that throughout of all my TWC lessons, I would have at least understood the various and different reasons for why Yali had asked the question. And in some ways, at least try to make an attempt to answer his question. What are some of the challenges that they would have faced that would make one society less well off than another, what are they doing different that puts one country or society above the other? Hopefully, with all my analyses of the various segments, I would have shed some light.

My TWC module has indeed come to a close, but the journey doesn’t end here! 

-The End-

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