Wednesday 20 November 2013

Technology and World Change (End)

Technology and World Change

Session 13 

As Geoffrey Chaucer puts it, “All good things must come to an end”. In a twinkling of an eye, we have come to the end of our Technology and World Change. I remembered on the very first day of lesson, Prof asked us all to define the meaning of technology. I recall saying that technology infiltrates all aspects of our lives, and it helps us to perform many of daily tasks. To clearly define it, it is the method of doing things. Of course, technology is more than that; it encompasses much more than just “the method of doing things”. It has helped to shape how we develop and advance in this world. Throughout the course, we were on a search for answers to Yali’s question. “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” Hopefully, the following pointers that I have picked up over the course of this module, I would have managed to answer at least part of it.

Society, Global Dominance and Human Development

How do we ensure that the societies built are dominant leaders in their respective field? We learnt in TWC about the mindset of a rising star or a falling star. The kinds of characteristics that go with the different mindsets and the attitudes that helps to differentiate one from the other. I have learnt that in some instances, these societies may be at different stages of development such that it can either hinder or improve the process of development. Do these societies encourage Innovation? In which we have already clearly defined in class as the ability to think ahead of what we already possess, to make it even better and develop something, such that it is for the better good. It is also with the quality that separates the leader from the follower. How can we someone lead if they are not going to take any chances and make a difference?

Human development too makes an impactful difference. Development here refers to the change in status quo, no doubt development can either be positive or negative (even though development is often linked to positive improvement with negative consequences lying on the side line). The world is changing because development itself drives the change. We have different processes of development, cultural development, economic development, sustainable development and many more. In this case then, how do we development such areas? For me, I think the roles of education is imperative in helping societies, especially developing nations. Because, with education, comes a bulk of human resources that are more learned and knowledgeable, you have a workforce whose skills (in terms of the ability to learn, think and perform) are transferable. Of course it isn’t the only way to hasten development, but it sure is one option.

Drivers of World Change

My understanding of drivers of world change basically refers to some of the factors that have so heavily impacted us that we would change our way of life. In our lessons, we have discussed several drivers of world change such as environmental driver, scientific discovery and technology innovation, commercial or business innovation, competition, globalization. For example, with globalization comes about changing expectations because of an increased purchasing power and also because of new and merging markets, the opening of new ones, and elimination of barriers to the movement of human, intellectual and financial capital. Or even environmental change such as global warming, pollution or contamination has drastically hastened and widened the renewable and sustainable energy market such that more and more opportunities for greener products are more apparent today than ever.

ICT and World Change

Having personally done the individual presentation on ICT and World Change, with my focus being on ICT in education itself, I have come to a realization that ICT is something that requires greater attention today than ever before. When we talk about ICT, it is more than just using technology as a tool, but it is going to be a medium through which students can better cater to their own learning needs. This further builds up an arsenal for learning.

But its not just with education, ICT has been implemented all throughout all systems such that there is increased connectivity, productivity and better access to information. Of course, this also presents with it a whole other basket of problems that comes along with using technology into systems. Invasion of privacy, overdependence are just the tip of the icebergs. What about those countries that seem to lack access to technology at all? Poor Internet connection seems to be disadvantageous that has brought much inequality between the developed and developing societies.

Energy and World Change

A hot topic nowadays, renewable and sustainable energy is getting only more important in the coming period. With different possible avenues where energy can be garnered, instead of the conventional, air/land/sea-polluting use of fossil fuels which are depleting at an exponential rate. We turn to the possibility of using wind, thermal, solar, nuclear fission so on and so forth. We also talked about the case study of Germany who implemented the Energiewende Program where the decided to eliminate the use of nuclear energy and fossil fuels to turning to the use of the solar panels to harvest energy.

How are we supposed to integrate these great ideas into our daily lives? Despite its giant potential in using solar panels, why is it that we have not maximized it? Places like Singapore where it is geographically advantaged in terms of receiving maximum sunlight, it is still not being largely encouraged or used in the first place. Even though there are baby steps being taken to try this out, I am not quite sure if that is enough. Several reasons such as high start-up costs, high costs of maintenance, or simply that it is still currently quite pricey. Hopefully, with the advances and improvements made with technology, these problems can be solved soon.

My Thoughts

Even though I may not have the exact answers to Yali’s questions, I do hope that throughout of all my TWC lessons, I would have at least understood the various and different reasons for why Yali had asked the question. And in some ways, at least try to make an attempt to answer his question. What are some of the challenges that they would have faced that would make one society less well off than another, what are they doing different that puts one country or society above the other? Hopefully, with all my analyses of the various segments, I would have shed some light.

My TWC module has indeed come to a close, but the journey doesn’t end here! 

-The End-

Thursday 14 November 2013

Technology and World Change (Session 12)

Technology and World Change

Session 12

Presentation Week

Group 1: Mind-controlled prosthetics (own)

Group 2: Transhumanism

The group gave a very detailed account of history of the different kinds of prosthetics being used today to track the evolutionary changes that have taken place so I found it to be very interesting. Also, in their website, they mentioned some of the specific prosthetics that are now available in the market such as the brain pacemaker that helps patients with neurological conditions to maintain neural equilibrium. There are cochlear implants as well where helps people hear better, at least 80% better than compared to using hearing aids. The bionic eye was also introduced in their website where it enables patients with total vision loss to see forms and perception with light by detecting dark and light to identify the location of objects. These are just some of the many products the group has introduced in their website. Furthermore, I like how they would also give a brief description of how the products actually work.

Under the “future implications” tab, they explored 4 main areas which are social, economical, geopolitical and environmental implications. One of the social implications of prosthetics would enable to empower individuals who are challenged in some physical condition. Prosthetics can help them to be on par with peers who do not possess such disabilities. The group then addressed the issue about prosthetics being more advanced than the original, biological form itself. Unfortunately, I feel that there are already prosthetics that are more powerful than the original form. As having done our own research on mind-controlled prosthetics, there are some products that can exert a force of 250 pounds of force per hand, which is deadly. Other advanced prosthetics also allow people to run faster, walk less effortlessly, more accurate. The production of such prosthetics is only a few years away. I believe that there will be many social concerns with regard to this but all we can do is to find certain solutions that will keep these things in check.

Another implication they further discussed was about the geopolitical concerns that surround the future use of transhumans. Because of the many advantages of using the transhumanist technology, may lead to faster economic growth, or countries trying to out-compete with one another to improve on their transhumanist technology (especially for military use and global dominance).

Group 3: Food: Our Future

I was especially drawn into the group’s presentation because of their short skit at the beginning of their presentation which I thought was brilliant. As for their website, I looked particularly at their “alternatives” to alleviating world hunger. The group identified food distribution and food supply as 2 main factors of world hunger. Mainly arguing for the point that as important as the production of food is, so is the way in which these produce are actually distributed across the world. Furthermore, they also pondered upon the possibility that there might not even be sufficient food produced in the first place. Either ways, the 2 reasons still lead to world hunger.

Under “Food Distribution”, they further expanded to talking about what constitutes to a poor distribution of food such as “Food Wastage” as well as “Accessibility”. According to their research, 30%-50% of food produced never really end up being consumed. Even though there has been measures put in place to prolong the shelf life of such food, measures to decrease food wastage (as leftovers) are nearly non-existent. The group introduced a smart phone application called “LeftoverSwap” where people can trade or simply give away their leftovers to people in the nearby area but this further raises the question of hygiene or the social stigma. I wished the group had delved more into why there is so much food wastage. Is there a particular correlation to the development of a society and the amount of food wastage? What more can be done about this?

Under the same tab, they identified some of the problems of accessibility in developing nations. Because rural areas are not well connected to the cities, they might not have the required transportation services to acquire the food that they need. One possible solution thought of by the group is that with the advent of technology, mobile markets can be used to eradicate this problem. Would have been better if the group could give certain examples of a mobile market!

Under “Food Supply” the group focused on “Meat Production” and “Urban Farming”. I will only look at the portion of urban farming. With more and more people moving to urban areas, the potential of urban farming is only set to grow. This basically means utilizing unused spaces in cities to grow vegetation. This could lead to a self-sustaining city and at the same time, minimize the effect the carbon emissions. It’s a win-win situation!

Group 4: Advertising and Sexuality

I am only going to focus on the future considerations for this presentation because I felt that it was really an interesting part of their whole thought process. The group thought of the idea of 3D sex ads. As far-fetched some of us think this is, it is unfortunately before the groups “predictions” would actually be realized. Sexual ads might become more “real” for some, allowing some to feel that they may be more persuasive (at the same time more provocative) and this might create an entirely new market for sexually driven ads. Also, the advent of augmented reality only means that the future of advertising would be more pronounced and convenient. Like trying on clothes, or shopping for furniture would be made so much more convenient because you can look at it on yourself or in your home without having to actually purchase the project. They also looked at facial recognition. Customized advertisements seem ridiculous and almost absurd, what exactly would it take for advertisers to cater to the different needs and wants of consumers and then create an advertisement out of that. But the group has identified that with facial recognition, advertisers are able to achieve that. For example, differentiating male from female, and based on the difference in gender, show or display the relevant ads. Or even achieving a location-based mobile that will shows ads of products or goods available within the vicinity.

The group identified 2 main ethical concerns with regard to sex ads. Mainly that with these ads becoming even more realistic, they may eventually entice viewers to extremes and ultimately, people might even find it difficult to clearly define reality from the virtual world that they are unable to suffice their desires. This may lead to social problems such as increased cases of molestations, rapes or other related activities. Another issue was that these ads might be used to manipulate people. The group said that this could lead to greater disparity between the haves and the have-nots such that people who can, do and those who can’t, don’t. In other words, people who can’t afford the products are unable to satisfy their desires and this might lead to a worsening of the rich poor divide. I may not entirely understand their second point, because, isn’t that the main aim of all advertisements? To entice you to believe that their product is something you should possess, regardless of whether you can afford it? Furthermore, aren’t all ads already doing this? I don’t think a car ad showing you the latest model of their line of cars means everyone can afford it, but this does not mean that the rich poor divide will certainly worsen because of that.

Group 5: Virtual Reality

I have to say that their video was really well done, it was so real!! Amazing!

With their future references of augmented reality using the google glasses, they mentioned about how could be used for education and in the medical industry. Their points were quite similar to how the Leap Motion controller could be applied in these industries as well. So I shall not spend too much time mentioning about it again. But the group did bring up 2 new areas to explore, mainly Construction & Home Maintenance and Law Enforcement. In the former, google glass may enable anyhow to realign pipes just by knowing how to read blueprints. You might just be able to receive instructions from an expert through the glasses and fix the pipe on your own just by looking through the google glass. Or in Law Enforcement, it might help in identifying criminals using google’s facial recognition software. The glasses may have the ability to scan license plates instantly, or monitor vital signals and remotely control other devices.

The group also elaborated on the positives and negatives of social implications how virtual reality might have. For starters, with virtual reality, it might bring about increased convenience, or allowing the needy to better integrate into society and it might even save lives. Greater convenience here refers to being able to travel to foreign places and eliminating the language barrier. As for the second point, it is just like how the Leap Motion controller could help autistic children better integrate into society. And saving lives here meant that more training applications could be simulated to be more life like and this can prep those undergoing training to deal with more realistic situations. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages that come along with it as well. It can never replace reality, so when it comes to training even though situations can be simulated to be more life like, it will not be able to predict other kinds of situation. There are some form of ethical concerns as well such as Escapism or violent content, all of which lead to social problems in society like addiction or increased cases of violence. And, of course, reduced social interactions between people due to the lack of face to face communication.

The group also went on to talk about the positives and negatives about economic impacts for virtual reality. Such as increased productivity and efficiency, lower cost in the long run as well as increased global transaction. Such as training relevant personnel in a certain industry by using a simulator and als, the possibility that global transactions might increase as the virtual worlds allow people to meet at real time. But there might be a socio economic divide because a high cost is incurred to purchase the infrastructure for such a technology to be set in place such that countries who have more are able to afford them and for those who do not have such power to do so, lose out in the end. Furthermore, there might be loss of employment since many of these jobs can be displaced using the relevant technology.

All in all, I really enjoyed the past 2 session because it was really interesting to hear from all of the groups and to see all of their masterpieces! Was really fun! 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Technology and World Change (Session 11)

Technology and World Change

Session 11

Presentation Week

Group 1: Futuristic Buildings

The first group’s topic of discussion was about the importance of engineering in buildings, as it always has been. However, the concept of engineering has included a new component then it did before. They now have to include factors that might mitigate the effects of natural disasters (not they did not have to in the past but it is now a more pressing issue than ever). Such as keeping buildings symmetrical so that forces are distributed equally throughout the structure when it comes into contact with hurricanes or earthquakes.

Furthermore, they went on about what is ahead for the future of buildings – futuristic buildings. They could encompass the use of bendable concrete. It is a new type of fiber-reinforced bendable concrete that it 500 times more resistant to cracking and 40% lighter in weight as compared to regular concrete. This is partly because of the composition of the mixture that allows for its maximum flexibility and durability. They also talked about the use of Hempcrete in construction. Hempcrete can be used to insulate the house or keep houses cool depending on the state of season it is in. The group also mentioned the advantages and disadvantages about the use of such new technology in the construction of futuristic buildings.

I think the most thought provoking that the group mentioned was about the idea of an underwater residence (although their idea of underwater residence mostly referred to the floating homes). The group addressed the future for such possibilities where people can actually live on such places, where their homes would be suspended on water and held to pontoons. There are also some challenges that these floating homes face as well. They mentioned indoor climate where temperatures can soar in the summertime or how the house is susceptible to flooding during the monsoon seasons. There might be safety issues associated with living on these floating houses, especially families with young children around (although I do believe that in such cases there would be proper safety nets in place already if the family should consider living in such floating homes such as by installing safety gates/barriers or placing nets below). There are many potential benefits to living on such houses, the reduced costs because of the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar panels or wind powered generators.

Group 2: Clean Energy

Visiting their website and looking through the implications that renewable energy has on the world, it definitely makes one more excited about this current “hot topic”. There were many advantages of using renewable sources of energy because it could help to mitigate climate challenge by “drastically reducing carbon emissions and slow down global warming”. The group also talked of how the use of such renewable sources of energy such as biofuels will “completely eradicate the issue of pollution”. And this in turn will help to reduce the amount of people that die due to air pollution. They also discussed the economic benefits (such as job creation) that may arise if industries start to shift to investing in renewable energy because the industry is considered to be more labour-intensive than conventional inustries. According to their website, they mentioned that the renewable  energy industry is more labor-intensive. Which begs the question as to, if this was the case (that the renewable energy industry is more labor intensive), then why would there be an incentive to invest in it? There may be reasons such as trying to safe planet earth, or being responsible for the planet you live on etc. But to me, being labor intensive means higher costs in the short run. But investing in it now may mean more returns in the future because of all the potential benefits that may arise from using renewable sources of energy.

Group 3: Nanotechnology

Some of the applications of nanotechnology addressed by the group was about nanotechnology in medicine. They talked about drug delivery using nanoparticles to carry drugs to target cells. One example the group used was to tackle cancer cells such that the nanoparticles attack only diseased cells. This is in contrast to chemotherapy where other cells other than the targeted cells are also affected. We may also have make use of nanotechnology in medical equipment such as scrubs and lab coats made out of nanosized silicon particles that can repel microscopic materials and so personnel and staff can be protected from hazardous bacteria.

One other application also mentioned in the website was about using nanotechnology to create hydrophobic nanoparticles that is used to act as a waterproof coating that can be used to buildings. However, there are adverse effects of using this technology because when the nanoparticles are washed off and if accidentally ingested (because these nanoparticles got washed into our water supply) then there might be detrimental effects because it would cause a chemical reaction with the cells in our body.

The group also brought about the topic of social impact of nanotechnology. It has been forecasted that the nanotechnology industry will exceed $30 billion. There might be more pressing issues and more urgent matters that require a fraction of this sum. How then is it able to justify whether this amount used is in the best interest of the country/economy. Also, they mentioned the consequences of having implement such technology such as displacement of jobs since jobs are now mechanized.

Overall, I felt that all the presentations that were done in this session were really insightful and were well thought off and planned out. The websites they created were also informative though some of the websites had a wealth of information, they could be more clearly organized so it will be easier to digest the information. But, on the whole, I felt that the websites and the presentation present a medium for more information to be sought from. I give this session an 8!!! 

Leap Motion: The New Frontier

This has been a paper I have been working on for the past 10 weeks or so for my Technology and World Change assignment/report. Please enjoy and feel free to comment!! Thank you!

[1]Leap Motion: The New Frontier
Jamie Teo Sze Min ( 1st year student, Bachelor of Business, Singapore Management University

Executive Summary

The Leap Motion has made a technological breakthrough by providing a new touch-free interface paradigm. The Leap Motion device is a portable USB port that uses motion censor and cameras to control on-screen motions (Burgess, 2013).

The paper examines the historical evolution of how mankind created the first computer to the kinds of technology we have. We also explore the current uses of the Leap Motion device and how it has benefitted those who have chosen to integrate this device into their lives. This report aims to examine the future considerations on the usage of the Leap Motion device and how it could potentially aid in the development of society in different aspects such as education, healthcare and retail just to name a few. This paper revolves around the Leap Motion controller and how it could potentially revolutionize our lifestyles.

The first ever programmable and fully automatic computer known as the Z3 Computer (Schmidhuber, n.d.) was built by German engineer Konrad Zuse in 1941. Ever since the first computer was built, we have come a long way to developing the super machines we have today. In the technologically advanced world we live in today, it is almost impossible for anyone to live without a computer. The computer has drastically transformed the way we live, from the way we perform daily tasks to finding information off the Internet to socializing with our friends. Human-Computer Interaction, which basically refers to how users deal or utilize computers, will only continue to evolve beyond our imaginations.
Early computers built were operated by trained scientists who possessed the specific skills to manage separate manual action to perform different arithmetic operation, which means that the computers then were not for the general public to use (“History of computing hardware”, n.d.). However, all that has changed. The development of computer hardware and software technology has made it much simpler such that anyone is capable of using them. With the use of computer mouse to help maneuver the cursors on the screen, to the development of the touchpads on laptops to creating an easy to understand interface give us an enhanced user-friendly experience.
In addition, the development of gesture-control technology, which includes gesture recognition, has helped to improve the experience of using computers. Gesture recognition uses a camera to interpret body movements mathematically and then translates those gestures onto a computing device (Webopedia, “gesture recognition”, n.d.). One example of a device that uses such technology would be Microsoft’s Kinect sensor (Cardinal, 2013). It is a combination of utilizing a video camera that detects the primary colors – red, green and blue for facial recognition and other features, depth sensor to view the room in all lighting conditions and a multi-array microphone that distinguishes voices from background noises (Crawford, 2010). Kinect is mostly known for its contributions to the gaming industry that allows games to be played without the need for controllers. However, it has also developed programs for healthy living by coming up with exercise routines, weight-loss regimes or simply by playing sports. Some of the most popular programs include  “The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout”, “Kinect Adventures” and the best-seller, “Dance Central” (Lynch, 2013).
Then, in 2013, Michael Buckwald and David Holz, has managed to improve the process of gesture motion technology to come up with the Leap Motion Controller (“How we came to be: A brief history of the future.”, n.d.). The Leap Motion Controller is a small device that measures 0.5 by 1.2 by 3 inches that allows you to control movements on your computer by tracking the gestures of your 10 fingers. The controller contains infrared cameras that track the movements of the 10 fingers within 8 cubic feet of space in front of the computer (Richardson, 2013). The Leap Motion controller can be used for day-to-day activities such as browsing the Internet, or it could be used in schools to teach particular concepts, to play video games and to explore and possibly allow us to do much more than that.

Historical Perspective (ie where we have come from)
From when the first programmable computer was devised, mankind has advanced leaps and bounds in creating the vast number of computer models and complementing accessories we have currently. Not only that, the way in which we use these devices are also different from what it was then. With the advent of gesture-recognition technology, we will soon be able to realize our dreams of becoming like Tony Stark in Iron Man or John Anderton in Minority Report where just the wave of your hands allow you to control what you want to see in the space right in front of you.
When computers were first used, there was hardly any graphical user interface. In fact, in order to interact with the computer, users submitted programs by sending in a series of punch cards where the computer would translate these patterns using a reader and the results would only be ready after several hours or even days, this process is also known as “batch processing” (Reimer, 2005). Then in the midst of World War II, Vannevar Bush who was working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) envisioned the concept of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) by introducing Memex in an article published in 1945. Right after WWII, the American government heavily invested in computing innovation and their goal was to allow computers to be used by all people, across all professions and ages. The National Aeronautic and Space Administration, NASA, which was within the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) then gathered the most brilliant scientists from across the country and placed them in research institutions, and among them was Douglas Engelbart. Working independently of ARPA, he had already been researching on HCI in early 1950s at Stanford University. Engelbart was greatly influenced by the theories of Bush and started viewing computers as an “augmenting” tool; this means seeing computers as a tool that empowers the user. Engelbart then headed the Augmentation Research Center in 1960s and the team achieved a milestone by developing many devices and concepts of “direct manipulation” and this changed the way we used our computers. Some examples include word processing software, combination of computer, keyboard and video screen, the computer mouse just to name a few.
Then Xerox Photocopiers, gathered programmers and scientists in the Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC), and adopted the ideologies of Englebart and created the first personal computer prototype in around 1970s, the Xerox Alto. The prototype encompassed the use of the computer mouse, a keyboard and a video screen. In addition, they also came up with the first graphical user interface known as the Xerox Star. This prototype sparked many other companies such as Apple and Microsoft to do the same and come up with their own graphical user interface (Zmoelnig, 2000) by coming up with Macintosh and Windows.
Even with that kind of advancement, nothing compares to what is known as gesture recognition technology. Gesture recognition technology is reading human motions mathematically by using a computing device and later translating that movement into signals that would be used as input commands. This enables human computer interaction to become more natural because your body movements now act as controllers (Rouse, 2011). As of now, when using computers, we are confined to using the mouse or trackpad and keyboard to interact with the computer. We use the computer mouse to direct where we want our cursors to be placed or where we want certain portions clicked and we use the keyboard to type manually, letter by letter on the keyboard. But with the advent of such technology, soon enough, these components will be unnecessary and might even become a thing of the past. However, this will only be possible with the development of gesture recognition technology.
An early form of such technology would be motion capture. Basically, motion capture refers to recording movements, which are translated to models on the computer and that is achieved by having actors don on a bodysuit with sensors attached to pivotal points to detect movements (Sanders, n.d.). Motion capture is most commonly known to be used in animation either in filming or creating video games so that characters are more life-like, it is also used in scientific research, engineering and more (Meta Motion, n.d.). Motion capture, is in many ways similar to gesture recognition technology, drawing a parallel in the way that it allows us to capture motions on the screen simply by performing different actions, though at the end of the day, both still serve different primary functions. Another point to note was that early forms of gesture recognition technology also called for people to put on some form of sensors to allow computers to detect motion. Gesture recognition technology is able to familiarize with certain motions that would ultimately point to a certain command and later translate that to however we want to control our computers.
As we can see, the technology we talked about is only at the tip of the iceberg. The development of all sorts of technology, in one way or another either directly or indirectly, has contributed to what we have today and what we will have in the future. The gesture recognition technology is fairly new and only more explored in the 21st century with the production of certain devices such as Mircosoft’s Kinect and the newly launched Leap Motion Controller. With time, it is definitely possible to be able to alter the primary functions of these devices and use them in other fields and expand the use of the gesture recognition technology.
Current Situation (ie where we are today)
Even though gesture recognition technology is a relatively new piece of technology, we have already seen some devices that have adopted the use of this technology. Gesture recognition technology is so highly received because of the kind of interactive experience it provides for the users. This technology is dependent on the kind of gestures we use everyday so it makes interacting with our electronic devices so much more natural. To break it down, gestures are used as a form of communication. For example, a simple wave using your hand could signify a greeting, a police officer could also use hand gestures to direct traffic, shaking our heads means no and nodding means yes. There are many universally known gestures that we make use of on a daily basis to convey a message and this is what gesture recognition plays on, to integrate the use of gestures seamlessly into our computers which later translates into signals (Webopedia, “gesture recognition”, n.d.). 
One device that was of all the rage back in 2010 when it was first released was Microsoft’s Kinect. Kinect for Windows was able to encompass gesture recognition technology and even voice recognition technology to give users a more natural experience while using the device; furthermore it adds another dimension of human understanding (“Kinect for Windows features”, n.d.). Kinect is most certainly popular for the kind of gaming experience it offers its users. As of now, most of the games released are for Kinect for XBOX 360. There are many games available now in the market and one of the best sellers of the lot would be “Dance Central”. “Dance Central” is a highly popular game where people would follow the choreography shown by the characters to the latest songs and the objective is to try to be as accurate as one can possibly be to earn more points (Lynch, 2013). Other games also include fitness programs such as “Zumba Fitness” or “Nike + Kinect Training” where it is all about working out and training the body, all in the name of health (Samuel, 2013). There are also educational games that can be used to aid teaching in schools. One example would be the “National Geographic Challenge” where it teaches children general knowledge through some games such as solving puzzles or “Body and Brain Connection” used to teach mathematical concepts to children. These games are so successful because they actively engage their users to think and learn at the same time.
Text Box:  
Figure 1. Leap Motion Controller
Reproduced from Schneider Associates Blog. 
(18 October 2013)
Of course, another new invention that has made use of such technology and created much buzz in 2013 would be the Leap Motion Controller. Leap Motion was created to better engage the user in using and interacting with their computers. Eliminating the need for the computer mouse and even the keyboard. It has two cameras and three infrared LEDs and with these components, they are able to detect hand and finger motions in the space right in front of it. In addition, it is very accurate that is able to sense movements of up to one hundredth of a millimeter (Burgess, 2013). As it is still relatively new in the market, there are only a handful of uses for the Leap Motion. Though we will explore the possible potential uses of the Leap Motion Controller and the gesture recognition technology in the next segment. Leap Motion comes with an app store called the “Airspace”, much like how the App store on an iPhone works. It offers a series of programs that can be used with the Leap Motion Controller, such as games, education, music and entertainment, creative tools and so on and so forth.
One reason why the Leap Motion is so sought after is because it enhances a gamers’ gaming experience. Gamers are could feel like they are actually part of the game, because they are no longer bounded by the use of a controller, they are now capable of playing the games as if they were there at the scene. “Solar Warfare” is a game where users control their own hovering starship while shooting down their enemies by specific hand motions. Coupled with visual effects and specially crafted sound effects, it creates an immersive environment for the user (Acevedo, 2013). Another games people might find more familiar would be “Fruit Ninja” where you would use your finger to slice the fruits, just like how you would on an iPhone or iPad, but this time it is done by moving your fingers across the air.
Young children, especially those in the kindergarten level, usually enter their first learning environment as kinesthetic learners. What this means is that children at this age learn best through their sense of touch, by being able to feel and move around. The Leap Motion controller would be able to target these children because they enable users to move around and perform certain movements in order to “lock in” their answers. This type of learning keeps the children actively involved and engaged during the lesson because they are able to have fun while they are learning as compared to conventional methods where students are given pen and paper (Farwell, n.d.).  
Text Box:  
Figure 2. Solar Walk Program
Reproduced from Airspace. (n.d.)

One way in which Leap Motion can aid students in their learning process is to introduce various games that can allow students to learn and have fun concurrently. Some games in the Airspace such as “Caterpillar Count” where it teaches young children to count up to 100 by guiding a caterpillar to around the screen to “collect” the subsequent numbers (“Count Your Way from Caterpillar to Butterfly”, n.d.). Furthermore, as children start to explore the world of science, it is important for them to understand the concept of molecules and atoms, the anatomy of animals, to know more about astronomy. Some of these concepts are difficult to understand unless we are able to visually see these models in a 3-dimensional (3D) manner. To put it simply, we can use the various learning tools available in the Airspace to learn about how molecules react with one another, the types of forces or bonds that exist within or between molecules. There is an app called “Molecules” where it enables the user to rotate and move the molecules apart to have a clearer picture of how they work (“3D Molecules in the Palm of Your Hand!”, n.d.). We could even dissect frogs to understand their anatomy. As part of an app called “Frog Dissection”, users examine the organs and learn their functions and understand the lifecycle of frogs without having to sacrifice a real frog (“Forget the Formaldehyde!” n.d.). In “Solar Walk”, students “travel through space” to learn more about the planets, its history, structure and so much (“Solar Walk – 3D Solar System”, n.d.).
These games are enhanced because the Leap Motion controller allows users to actively participate in their learning process. Moreover, with all the movements and hand gestures, it could even help to retain more information as compared to conventional teaching methods.
Music & Entertainment and Others
Many of the apps under this category also allow you to pick up a new skill by learning how to play a musical instruments by offering tutorials as well as easy to follow rhythms with varying level of difficulty. Some apps even allow you to be your own conductor by allowing you to lead and direct an orchestra.
Other apps include creative tools to allow users to design, edit and explore their creative talents. They have apps that allow users to be able to paint and draw such as PainterÒ Freestyle without the need to use your mouse or any other expensive gadgets. Furthermore, users would have more control and fluidity in designing their art pieces as they are able to draw more naturally with their hands. In addition, they have picture editing software that would allow you to beautify or enhance your photos, one such app is the “Deco Sketch” that enables users to build layers of effects upon their original to create different types of pictures (“Deco Sketch”, n.d.).
As can be seen from above, these are just some of the applications of the use of the Leap Motion controller; this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are definitely more uses for the Leap Motion controller in the future. We will be looking at the different prospective fields that might adopt to use the Leap Motion controller as part of their operations. (“Eight Great Innovation Areas”, 2013)

Future Considerations (ie where we might go)
As the Leap Motion controller continues to improve and develop over time, alongside the advances in other realms of technology, the potential uses of this controller can only expand. The following segment will showcase the different methods in which the Leap Motion controller can be implemented in various existing fields and how it can be used to aid or refine certain processes. Even though some of the functions of the Leap Motion controller are already in place, they are not yet widely used, such as in the field of education. We will also delve into how it might affect the medical field, online retail experience, and security.  
From the previous section, it is true that some of the apps that have been aforementioned have already been used. However, the uses of these apps are limited, at best, it only allows users who possess the Leap Motion controller to access such programs. Furthermore, the many apps available in Airspace are only very minimal and more of such programs can be designed and targeted for use in the school environment. As discussed earlier, the Leap Motion controller is well received by students because it promises a truly immersive and engaging session of learning for them.
Also explained earlier, many kids in the early stages of education are kinesthetic learners, although this sort of learning styles might change from person to person as they continue to grow. However, it is important to recognize that for any child to learn, lessons ought to be fun and captivating.  Children especially at kindergarten or at the elementary level learn best through hands-on activities and when they are totally drawn into the lesson. This means that they acquire information fastest when they are fully entrenched in activities that are active; in other words, it calls for them to be moving around (Farwell, n.d.). 
Furthermore, another target audience that could benefit from the use of the Leap Motion controller would be special needs children, such as those who suffer from autism, a developmental disability that hinders communication and social interaction skills. One school that has adopted the use of the Leap Motion controller in their classroom for their special needs children would be the Jackson School in Australia. Mathieu Marunczyn, a teacher at Jackson School, reached out to Leap Motion to request for the Leap Motion controller to be set up in school for his special needs classes. His lessons are aimed to teach his students literacy, impart critical thinking skills and to improve cognitive skills by using the Leap Motion controller and by downloading some of their apps. According to the Leap Motion blog, Marunczyn mentioned that it was especially popular with children with autism. If the games involve a social aspect, it encourages the children to interact and communicate with one another and this is particularly important for these children. Sometimes, they also utilize Google maps to explore different parts of the world and learn about these countries, while engaging in conversation with their peers, supporting and cheering each other on. This allows these children to feel empowered and make them feel like they are apart of the society because the Leap Motion controller allows them to be immersed into the games such that their disability no longer hinders them. This is a crucial development in education for the special needs children because it allows these children to be better integrated into the society and prevents them from being shunned by others. Another app that stood out from the rest would be “Sortee” which requires these children to sort out objects into different categories by using a dragging motion. (“Students Take a #LeapInto Learning”, 2013)
Of course, one thing to note is that this is probably one of the few schools that have chosen to integrate the Leap Motion controller into their curriculum.  The potential for the controller to be part of the teaching arsenal is massive. There are a myriad of apps that have been specifically created to teach children on the many wonders of the world. Some of the apps that are released in the Airspace also come with a 3D setting such that it allows students to see the contents on the screens “come to life”. One such example would be the “Solar Walk” app. When students don on a pair of 3D glasses, they are able to feel like they are actually in space. They can move closer or further away from different planets, travel through the galaxy and learn more about the planets at the same time (“Solar Walk – 3D Solar System”, n.d.).
The future use of Leap Motion in the classroom could potentially alter the way children are learning now. No longer would they be confined to learning of the textbooks with pen and paper, they can learn from the real world. Furthermore, they can learn more about the different things they do not normally come into contact with. They are able to bring life back into the classroom that could give each child an enhanced learning experience.  With the advent of such technology, it is also important to change with times. The use of such technology to aid in the learning process of children is imperative in their development because the tools for learning are at the base of their fingertips. This creates an environment for independent learning which is a skill that is increasingly required in almost every aspect of our lives.
Another promising use of the Leap Motion controller is in the arena of healthcare. There are many reasons why the Leap Motion controller could integrate so well into the daily routines of medical practitioners. Whether it is to be used in hospitals or clinics to aid in surgery or even rehabilitation, to developing programs to keep us fit, to even being able to access patient data are all the possibilities where Leap Motion can be employed (Norris, 2013).
One highlighting feature is that it allows for medical staff to operate systems without having any physical contact with computer screens, or any other unnecessary objects that we would touch. For instance, sometimes during surgery, medical staff may have to utilize different systems to access information or any device that they might require to contact other important people they need. Moreover, staff may not be within reach of the display but still require the information on the screen to guide them through some procedures. But for health and safety reasons, they cannot physically touch these items and this is where Leap Motion may be a solution to this. The “touchless” surface prevents the spreading of diseases as it reduces the risk of transmission from one person to another, it could also be more economical as less could be spent on sterilizing such surfaces, it might also be a faster system which would create a more efficient working operation and gives staff more time to focus on other areas that may be more important. After all, with the risk of such air-borne diseases being so quick to mutate, no one can ever be too careful about implementing such “touchless” surfaces. In addition, the simple hand gestures may be a faster and safer way to manipulate data on the screen instead of using the conventional mouse or trackpad. (Leap Motion Blog, “Eight Great Innovation Areas”, 2013)
Since the Airspace is already coming up with apps that are meant for education, entertainment and creative tools and others, they could also start developing apps for people to keep fit in the future. They can design programs such as workout regimes, or sports games for people to get active and exercise too, with reference to similar apps that Microsoft’s Kinect offers. These apps could also encompass a diary entry such that users can keep track of their progress. Furthermore, one other possibility is that doctors can also make use of the Leap Motion to keep track of the progress of their patients. After every workout session, the Leap Motion sensor could record different data such as heart rate, duration of workout, the different muscles used and whatnot, and these data will be sent to the doctor for reference in the future. Though it seems a little farfetched, it is only with time that we can achieve such use of the Leap Motion controller. Also, this might also benefit a lot of people who have difficulty travelling around, or those who stay far from hospitals, or where traffic conditions are not suitable to travel in. With the Leap Motion controller, they might be able to use the Leap Motion controller to communicate with their doctors and have a consultation with them over the computer without having to be physically there. Doctors can use different videos as examples using the controller to show their patients exactly what needs to be done to cure a certain illness or to alleviate pain.
One other practical use of Leap Motion may be used in Medical School. It seems almost so obvious that if Leap Motion controllers can be integrated in grade school, then it can most certainly be operated in Medical School. And of course it can. Leap Motion controllers coupled with 3D interactions can be used to teach surgical procedures or concepts that may generally be more difficult to grasp. It can be applied to demonstrate highly complex surgeries to simple procedures like how to draw blood or any other techniques they would need to acquire. Of course, the controller can also be used to teach patients various ways to curb their ailments or illnesses. For example, patients that are undergoing physiotherapy may find it easier to work from home, and the Leap Motion controller is able to guide the person through his sessions and also keep track of his progress using the cameras in the controllers so that doctors would be able to alter his sessions to make it more suitable for each individual (Norris, 2013).
These are just some of the uses of the Leap Motion controller that can be manipulated in the field of healthcare and this could one day be revolutionary in changing the way the healthcare systems work. We could possibly, in the future, have a safer, more efficient and more comprehensive system that we all stand to gain from.
Since the realm of online shopping began, retailers and the many brands available have been striving to create a more immersive and interactive shopping experience with their customers. And it is not just with reference to clothes but it also includes furniture shopping, choosing where to go on your next vacation, buying new musical instruments, it could give an entirely new shopping experience. However, in this aspect, the Leap Motion controller will not be able to stand alone but it would also require the use od 3D technology to help customers better visualize the products, it is basically similar to or is in some way, augmented reality.
What this means is that whenever a user decides to do some online shopping, for example for clothes, they are able to visually see how the clothes will look like on their bodies without even having to put them on physically. The pictures would then appear on the screen and users can use this tool to decide whether or not the clothes suit them. This too can be used if an individual decides to get new furniture, they can look for the furniture that they are interested in online, and once they find it, they can point the controller to the space where they would potentially like to place it and see if it matches the rest of the décor in the house. And as many people are gaining the opportunity to go overseas for a vacation, it is important to choose the right destination. With the Leap Motion controller, the interested parties are able to use the controller to travel to different parts of the world, and decide which parts of the world they would like to go. They could zoom in on parts of the country they are more interested in then another, where they would like stay in and find out a lot more information before embarking on their journey. (Leap Motion Blog, “Eight Great Innovation Areas”, 2013)
Another thing to note that is that this sort of technology need not be confined to just online shopping experience. Certain shops could also make use of this advancement and have it in their stores such that when there is high human traffic and lack of fitting rooms, the controller could act as a alternative solution to actually trying on the physical clothes itself. But with the help of the Leap Motion controller, our shopping experience has only gotten a lot more exciting and interesting with the help of the Leap Motion controller (Wyers, 2013). With this, we may be more capable of making more informed decision about our purchases instead of being irrational about it.
Soon enough, the Leap Motion controller might even be used as a security system because of it’s high precision. It might be even be used as an authentication process as it scans the hands of the right individual to unlock a safe, or to access a computer or to other information that only highly regarded personnel is able to access (Leap Motion Blog “Eight Great Innovation Areas”, 2013). This could be done with just a wave of your hands and the controller would be able to read and scrutinize every part of a particular handprint, the way the lines run across your palm, if there are any unique features, this is because no two palm prints are the same.
Even though the controller has just been released in 2013, the potential for this piece of device to grow and impact the world is just tremendous. Generally, the uses of the Leap Motion controller are just endless, and there are definitely much more that can be done with such a piece of technology. There are many opportunities for this device to be implemented or integrated into other systems such that it can work alongside with them and improve current systems we have in place. It is really exciting to see how the future of such technology is in the now and the opportunity to create a different kind of world is right here in our hands. However, there are certain limitations to device we would briefly look at in the following section.

The future of the Leap Motion controller looks very promising because of all the potential uses that it sets to offer from education, healthcare, retail, security. But its potential far exceeds the confines of the abovementioned factors since it is still relatively new to the market. There is still much room for improvement, research and development. However, it is also important to recognize that there are still some issues that need to be resolved with regard to the Leap Motion controller. The Leap Motion controller is only able to recognize certain gestures that have been specially programmed such that it is not able to differentiate between gestures. This makes it very difficult to manipulate different hand movements and ruins the flow at which program is ran on. It might also be difficult to differentiate a hand twitch from a gesture precisely because the controller is so precise and sensitive. Furthermore, users are constantly force to figure out for themselves whether they are within the range of detection, too near or too far and the controller renders ineffective. Another challenge faced by the controller is its unrealistic use for the mass of the consumers. The controller may work in a hospital because it lets medical staff control systems that they may not be within reach of, but when it comes down to using a controller such as this at home, it may not be so user friendly. It may be more tiring lifting your hands in the air, signaling certain hand gestures at the controller trying to control the screen. It may sound like a trivial problem, but think about waving your hands in the air for a few hours while you are working on the computer and you may resort to using your mouse again.
Though the Leap Motion controller still has much tweaks to make to their device, it still possesses the power to change how we run systems around here, for the better. It is likely that it could make programs more efficient, more cost efficient and perhaps even make it a safer place to be in. That is what makes the Leap Motion controller a device worth taking note of.

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[1] This paper was reviewed by Yeo Pei Shan and Suherman Kartika Sari.